Thursday, March 20, 2014

No Name Blue Blizzard

I received this seed packet labelled as Higo Morning glory, "Norigoromo, 法衣". However, when it was flowering, it was not Norigoromo. It was with blue blizzard medium size flowers. But still, I liked it as much as others.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Japanese Asagao - e9235

I don't have a name for this beautiful green leaves morning glory. The vendor has labeled the seed packet "e9235". So, I will use "e9235" to remember it.

Look at the changes of colours on each of the flowers. There is no one flower look alike !!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Japanese Asagao - Shogetsu 松月

Higo morning glory, 肥后朝顏,is a variety preserved in Kumamoto and has the retracted (or suhama 洲浜) leaves. Cotyledons are round and variegated true leaves have shortened and rounded shape. Higo Aasago is usually cultivated in a small Amakusa pots to suppress growth of the plants and only three flowers are displayed for enjoyment.

Shogetsu 松月,  means Pine Tree and the Moon, is having blue colour white throat flowers.

My Japanese friend has helped with the meaning of Shogetsu.

Shogetsu is "松月" written in Kanji. Its mean a pine tree and the Moon. As you know,a pine tree is an evergreen symbol. The moon is sacred. Old people at EDO period thought it was stylish to see the moon through the pine tree. They said that "IKI(粋)" "IKI(粋)" means smart or stylish. Shogetsu is used to name as lucky words everywhere... kimono,doll,dish,Painting, Japanese traditional culture.

Higo morning glory is having Suhama leaves.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

No Name Red Speckled

I do not have a name for this medium size red speckled morning glory. It is with yellow variegated leaves. I am completely in love with this morning glory.

Japanese Asagao - Red Mountain 赤峰

Red Mountain, is a perfect name for this green variegated leaf red flower morning glory.

A great pair, Tancho and Red Mountain.

Japanese Asagao - Tancho 鹤顶

This is my first morning glory for year 2014, Tancho. It is a green variegated leaf morning glory with white cherry drop flowers. It is amazing a small plant can yield huge flowers. I have used vermicompost on this particular plant. My friend has shared with me that vermicompost may help to fight the whiteflies problem which I always have with morning glories.